Suburban movement camp with Chameleons

Last places available!
For children from 10 to 14 years old.
26-30 August 2024, Eliska Pešková Creative House – Švanda Theatre (Eliška Pešková 333/7, Smíchov)

A week of fun and creative exploration of mind and body in movement with British dance Company Chameleon.

We will stretch and strengthen the body. We will use games to exercise our imagination. We will explore what makes us unique and how we can enjoy our similarities and differences. We will learn about different creative approaches to developing movement material through guided improvisation and creative tasks. During the week we will work together to create a short movement performance to present to parents at the end of the last day.

Schedule of the day:

9:00-10:00 warm-up games, learning movement sequences, strengthening, stretching and coordination
10:15-12:00 movement activities
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-14:45 movement activities
15:00-16:00 discussion, reflection

Content of the week:

Resilience and embodiment – a movement exploration reflecting resilience and overcoming obstacles. Pair and group work focused on building trust and support. Circle sharing about resilience and embodiment as a group.

Identity and belonging – group discussions, creative exploration of our similarities and differences, personalities, archetypes.

Self-awareness and self-assessment, breathing and listening exercises, physical expression of personal stories, sharing movement stories in small groups, reflection on insights.

Creativity and expression, creative movement games encouraging spontaneity and imagination through play, techniques and tools for creating movement material.

Creating a short work based on the knowledge from the previous days. Group discussion and reflection.

The camp will be led by tutors from Chameleon Company, a dance company with many social and health projects in Manchester, led by tutor Anthony Missen. The programme will be conducted in English, with a Czech interpreter on site throughout the camp.

Price: 2500 CZK (We offer several scholarship places for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. If this is you, write it in the application form.)

Project is supported by European Union (National Recovery Plan).

The project is co-organised by the Švanda Theatre.